Strut Specialists
Strut Specialists
Perth:  08  9445 9119
Brisbane:  07  3392 9505
Code Product Type Year Stroke Extended Length Price
RFR4 308 Engine Hatch 1975 to 1986 Sold as a pair $110.00
RFR4 328 Engine Hatch 1986 to 1990 Sold as a pair $110.00
RFR1 348/355 Engine Hatch 1989 - 1999 Sold as a pair $99.00
RFR3 599 Bonnet 2006 to 2012 Sold as a pair $99.00
RFR2 Maranello / 575 Coupe Bonnet 2002 to 2006 Sold as a pair $99.00
* If your make of model car is not listed, please email us and we will do our best to match up your specific struts.

* We will gladly ship parcels anywhere in Australia at discounted express post rates.

* Please call us for larger orders to negotiate a better price.
Strut Specialists